Adjourn Teahouse Story

I'm LaTonia. As a self-proclaimed tea lover, I began crafting a vision for a small tea and wellness brand as a teen in Richmond, VA more than 15 years ago.  Tea drinking was a major part of my upbringing.  Growing up, we routinely enjoy warmed apple juice, sleepytime tea, and the occasional hot toddy.  I am also from the south where sun teas and iced teas are huge on hot summer days.  My parents, rest their souls, led me to pursue the idea of starting a tea and candle shop as a high schooler in a business planning competition and I have been a tea lover/blender/drinker/maker ever since.  

Adjourn Tea House is an artisanal loose leaf tea company that offers beautifully unique, superior quality, hand blended teas that are sustainably sourced from around the world.

At Adjourn, we believe in creating moments to recenter and balance our whole selves through rituals that allow us to adjourn - bring present tasks, worries, stresses to a close for a period of time.  Tea brewing, steeping and drinking allows us time to do so and is profound and necessary in our daily lives. We encourage YOU to adjourn more often by sharing tea blends that allow us all to be more present. ​