Sincerely Harlem Story
Dave Rowan is the founder. The Harlem Renaissance was a vibrant time, filled with style, talent, and creativity. It was a time aptly named, as it's participants, graduates, and personalities were iconic in many mediums. Sincerely, Harlem is a look into the life of an adolescent raised by an era. Reared by it's talented inhabitants. Nurtured by it's energy. We find out about this youngster through pages of their journal. Their straight forward written look into the past takes you to a simpler time when this little ones' cultural heroes were walking these Harlem streets...before their names were put on street signs.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing for it. I live in this magical village of Harlem. I've witnessed the changes, better or worse that have come in these last couple of decades and wanted to do more to preserve the legacy of one of the most amazing creative times this country has seen. I do not own these photos' I simply resuscitate them, for your enjoyment.